Benefits of various utensils used for eating and drinking
We are often awestruck by the sheer looks of the golden or silverwares that the royal/aristocratic people often used in the past for eating and drinking purposes. We wonder what was the purpose of using these costly utensils for eating and drinking when a cheaper metal could have been used for the same purpose. And we conclude that it was just a show-off and nothing else. But that conclusion of ours is wrong if we study the Ayurvedic texts that explain the useful properties of various types of utensils that we use while eating and drinking. Ayurveda says -
Properties of Utensils used for eating food -
* Eating in Golden utensils removes all insufficiencies in diet, is beneficial for the eyes and enhances the qualities of the food served in them.
* Eating in Silver utensils is beneficial for the eyes, pacifies Pitta, increases Kapha and Vata (Vata, Pitta and Kapha are biological humors).
* Eating in Kansa (Bronze) utensils enhances intellect, enhances the taste of the food and cures a disease called Rakta-Pitta (that arises due to vitiated Rakta Dhatu or blood tissue and Pitta Dosha).
* Eating in Brass utensils cures worm infestations and related diseases, pacifies Kapha and increases Vata (due to its hot and dry properties).
* Eating in Iron utensils or utensils made up of magnetite iron ore increases physical strength, cures anaemia, oedema and jaundice.
* Eating in stone and earthen utensils robs one of wealth and prosperity.
* Eating in Wooden utensils increases taste and Kapha Dosha.
* Eating in an utensil made up of leaves increases taste as well as digestive fire, removes toxins from the diet and also removes poverty.
Properties of Utensils (Glass/Tumbler) used for drinking water -
* The best Tumbler for drinking water is Copper. It is wholesome. In its absence earthen utensil can also be used to drink water.
* Drinking in Crystal tumbler is holy and provides coolness.
* Drinking in a Glass tumbler and a tumbler made up of Cat's Eye are also holy and provides coolness.
So we now understand that in ancient times royal people and people of affluent groups often used expensive utensils like Gold, Silver etc. for eating and drinking purposes because they were very healthy. We can also use cheaper alternatives if not gold and silver for eating and drinking purposes as per descriptions above to improve our health.
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