Why Ravana should not be glorified
Now a days it has become a trend to glorify certain traits of Ravana like he never violated the modesty of Sita though he abducted her and he was a great devotee of Lord Shiva. And this discussion comes up especially during the time of Dussehra when Ravana's efigy is burnt. Many people oppose this tradition by giving examples about the positive traits of Ravana as described earlier. Now I am not raising an argument about whether Ravana's efigy should be burnt or not, rather I would like to clear the misconceptions about the positive traits of Ravana which he never had. Myth #1: Ravana never violated the modesty of Sita. Fact: It is true that Ravana never violated the modesty of Sita, but it was not due to his greatness, rather it was due to a curse inflicted upon him for which he didn't dare to do so. Once Ravana came across Rambha, the celestial damsel. Charmed by her beauty, he got hold of her and expressed his desire to make love to her. But Rambha resisted ...